This is a sad post it has been a sad week and weekend in our little area of the world.The first part of the week we had a family member pass away. He was in Illinos working with his son.His name was Kenny,he was talking on the phone with his wife when he had his heart attack.Kenny is my husbands cousin,he leaves a wife ,three children and a number of grandchildren.He will be buried tomorrow.
A teacher from our local preschool had two sons shot Friday night at a community club.One was killed and the other is in ICU in the hospital,they do not know if he will make it or not.He was shot in the stomach and the knee.Two years ago this mother lost a son in an automobile accident,now one to a gun shot and she may still loose another.I pray God will let her keep at least one of her sons.I can not imange what it would be like to bury one child much less two at one time.
Sometimes I think we take having our children for granted,but we need to step back and remember we could loose them in the blink of an eye.God gave us one of the greatest gifts he had to give a beautiul child to love and care for.It put them in our care and he can take them home with him anytime,so we need to really treasure all the moments we have with them and never take it for granted they will be with us forever.Everyone that can you need to hug your child everyday and tell them how much you love them everyday.Let them know how proud we are to have them in our lifes,
Thanksgiving is coming soon ,so on that day get together with your family and let them all know just how thankful you are to have them in your lives.I lost a brother 4 years ago to a stroke and I miss him everyday and I wish I could just see him and tell him how much I love and miss him.